Dolphin 🐬

  • Category: REVIVE Designathon 2021
  • Project Date: April 2021
  • Challenge:
  • Remember Vines? Yik Yak? Google Glass? Right. They’re all dead. This is your time to bring them back to life and lead them to success! REVIVE is a designathon challenging participants to redesign a failed or forgotten product.
  • Project:
  • Prototype
  • Presentation Slides
  • Video Demonstration
  • Devpost Submission


  • With the goal of reviving a forgotten product, I used Figma and design thinking skills including userresearch and failure analysis to re-design Grooveshark. I considered current trends, analyzed the market and reimagined what Grooveshark can be turned into to fit into the world of social media and music streaming as we know it today.


  • I began by taking a dive into Grooveshark and analyzing what it was, why it was popular and why it failed despite its popularity. From that, I went on to take a look at the current market trends and how it would be possible to bring back Grooveshark into a world where streaming and social media are so prevalent. With this consideration, I began to develop how I could bridge the gap between social media and music streaming by creating a user persona, and designing an app that would fill the gap based on the research I conducted.

Key Learnings

  • how to specify a problem statement and design an app to tackle that problem in Figma
  • how to analyze failure and design with a modern and open minded approach to problem solving
  • how to create a user persona and use one to tell a user story demonstrate user experience and target market
  • how to use effective theming, branding, and colour scheming to achieve visual appeal
  • how to lay out the most viable product to emphasize product potential


  • research and problem statement is broad; need to be more specific as to WHY there is a need to bring Dolphin into the modern market
  • more creativity in designs to branch out and separate Dolphin from competitors
  • more consideration for busy screens and useablility for users (i.e. busy homescreen)
  • needed to be more specific as how this will combat the challenges Grooveshark faced in the past
Designed by BootstrapMade